CIWI’s ValidationLab Experience

Last week marked the end of CIWI’s participation to the YES!Delft Validation Lab! Together with OceanAI, shapewave industries BV, Lignitec B.V., SOLR&D, and Aleph Cognito, the CIWI team participated in a wide range of sessions, sharpening our value proposition, validating our assumptions, and learning more about legal, funding and the importance of team.

While we have a clear goal at CIWI, which is literally in our name; bringing Chemical Innovations to the Water Industry, we had a hard time pinpointing the problems, i.e. pains, our customers experience. When we joined the Validation Lab, we had one clear objective: “Talk to as many potential customers and decision makers as possible”. And we did so, having completed over 30 very insightful interviews during the past 10 weeks! But what have we learned? … that is for the CIWInsight of next week!

We want to thank the YES!Delft team, all session speakers, and the external experts for their time and effort, helping us to move forward. Not to forget our mentor, Jin Han, whose guidance really helped us to focus!


We are part of the YES!Delft Family


CIWI's New Chapter at YES!Delft's Validation Lab