Say Goodbye to Water Treatment Chemical Worries
Our business model revolves around providing "Chemicals as a Service." We install and maintain the devices on our clients' premises. Clients are charged based on the volume of chemicals used, aligning their costs directly with their usage. This approach offers flexibility for our clients and ensures our sustainability and growth. We can offer cost-effective solutions by eliminating large parts of the traditional supply chain and removing the need for additional chemicals. This ensures that customers never have to worry about chemicals for their water treatment again.
However, we are not there yet. We are still piloting our technology and looking for partners to help us test it at their locations.
CIWI Modular Iron Production System
Our CIWI modules are designed to produce between 0.5 to 2 kg of iron per hour, tailored to meet the chemical needs of water treatment systems. Each module operates efficiently, requiring only approximately 3 kW per kilogram of iron produced, ensuring a low energy footprint. These modules are designed for scalability: starting with just one module, we can quickly test and optimize performance at your location. As your system's demands grow, additional modules can be added seamlessly, enabling you to fulfill the complete chemical needs of your operation.
This flexible, modular approach allows us to start small and expand as needed, offering a sustainable and scalable solution for water treatment.